
By purchasing a Membership today, you're supporting B:Music's mission to inspire a love of live music through performance, participation and learning.

Thank you for helping us change lives today.

If you love concerts, gigs and events and want to receive priority booking, early show notifications and exclusive discounts at any B:Music venue then sign up today and become a Member for just £35 per year.

Join our Patron scheme and enjoy a range of benefits including behind the scenes access and exclusive events not open to the general public whilst helping us to turn up the volume on more of the city’s musical talent.

For a bespoke Gift Membership, please email our Development team:

If you select 'Auto-renew' when purchasing your Membership, you will receive an automated email the month before your Membership expires letting you know that your Membership will automatically renew on the expiry date, and your stored card will be charged. If you do not wish to renew automatically, you can cancel your auto-renew at anytime by simply unticking 'Auto-renew' under ‘Memberships’ in your account on our website, or email us directly at

View all Membership level Terms and Conditions here.