Thank you
/ As an IndividualThank you
A huge thank you to the following trusts, businesses and individuals for their generous and vital support.
Corporate Patrons: Silver
Colmore Partners
Colour Cubed Creative Communications
Corporate Patrons: Bronze
Hotel du Vin
Business Partners
West Midlands Growth Company
Browne Jacobson
Solihull College and University Centre
The Grand Hotel
Project Sponsors
Cross Country Trains
Trusts and Foundations
Alan Woodfield Charitable Trust
Alchemy Foundation
Allan & Nesta Ferguson Charitable Settlement
Angus Allnatt Charitable Foundation
Assay Office Birmingham
Blackwell Charitable Trust
Bruce Wake Charitable Trust
Blakemore Foundation
Boshier-Hinton Foundation
Chairman of Birmingham Commonwealth Association
Christopher Tobias Memorial Fund
Cole Charitable Trust
D’Oyly Carte Charitable Trust
DMC McDonald Foundation
Dr Diana & Peter Wardley
Dumbreck Charity
E H Smith Charitable Trust
Edward & Dorothy Cadbury Trust
Ernest Cook Trust
Eveson Charitable Trust
Geoff Hill Charitable Trust
GJW Turner Trust
GNC Trust
George Cadbury Trust
George Fentham Birmingham Charity
George Henry Collins Charity
Grantham Yorke Trust
Greater Birmingham Chambers of Commerce
Grimmitt Trust
Heathcock Charitable Trust
Hinrichsen Foundation
JMR Sales & Consultancy Ltd
John Feeney Charitable Trust
Joseph Hopkins & Henry James Sayer Charity
Levells Design Limited
Lillie Johnson Charitable Trust
Limoges Trust
Loppylugs and Barbara Morrison Charitable Trust
M K Rose Charitable Trust
Mercers’ Company
Michael Marsh Charitable Trust
Miss A Copsey
Mr Keith Stokes-Smith
Mr Peter J Smith
Oakley Charitable Trust
Patrick Trust
Peter and Jane How Trust
R V J Cadbury Charitable Trust
Roger and Douglas Turner Charitable Trust
Rotary Club of Birmingham
Roughley Trust
Rowlands Trust
Saintbury Trust
Thompson Family Charitable Trust
Service Birmingham Staff Benefit Scheme
Tyndallwoods Solicitors
W E Dunn Charitable Trust
Westhill Endowment
William A Cadbury Charitable Trust
Wilmcote Charitrust
Youth Music
Makers Circle
Mr P Ashen, Jayne Cadbury MBE, Paul Carter, Paul & Dee Cocking, W. Peter Dunne, G. Cm. & Fionuala A. Dunne, Roger G. Guest, Dr Brian Gwynn, P & J Hall, Vivianne Hollinshead, Dr C G Johnston, The Justham Family, Lynn Lawrenson, James & Meg Martineau, Ian McAlpine, Ian C Norton, Jenna & Jeremy Plewes, Ald. Mike Poulter MBE & Mrs K Poulter, Pat Poynton, Mr I & Mrs G Reaves, Nick and Carole Reed, Graham Russell & Gloria Bates, Helen Russell, John & Pat Rutter, Gillian Shaw, Bryan Smith, Tony Smith, David & Lucy Stanley, Isabel Stewart, Mr A Taylor, Robert & Julia Verrion, Howard & Judy Vero, Dr D & Mr P Wardley, Alan Woodfield and other anonymous donors.
Our Patrons
Mr Leigh Astill, John Barlow, June & Graham Bentley, Anita Bhalla OBE, Paul & Heather Buckingham, Paul & Dee Cocking, Mr & Mrs Martyn R Hale, Dr Johnston, Julia & Peter Maskell, Ian McAlpine, Chloe Morton, Mr Robert Pockney, Graham Russell, Janette Rutter, Ann Skidmore Associates Ltd, Keith Stokes-Smith, Mr & Mrs Verrion, Mr P & Mrs D Wardley, Lois Watson, Max Woolf, Paul C Wynn and anonymous supporters
Legacy Donors
Estate of Mr James Hirons
Estate of Mr Martin Purdy
Estate of Mr William Jones
Ros Jackson and Jean Maudsley