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List of News Articles

  1. Xhosa Cole returns to iconic Grosvenor Road studios for public performances

  2. National Open Youth Orchestra (NOYO): Behind the music

  3. Ballet and Brunch - The Perfect Combination

  4. St Matthew Passion: An evolving Good Friday tradition

  5. English Tourism Week: 10 reasons B:Music venues should be on your 'Must Visit' list

  6. B:Music Announces the Return of the Jazzlines Summer School and B:Jazz Festival

  7. Celebrate St Patrick's Day with the best Irish bands

  8. Meet the Artist: Tamsin Waley-Cohen

  9. #SpotlightOnHer: Kat, Production Manager, talks about her role in bringing shows to stage

  10. Sanity to join Camilla George on stage

  11. Europe Stands With Ukraine

  12. Louis Watkiss Memorial Concert