Privacy Policy

B:Music’s Privacy Policy

Last updated: 22 February 2024

Data Protection Number: Z7483800

B:Music Ltd (Registered Charity No 1053937), Symphony Hall, 8 Centenary Square, Birmingham, UK, B1 2EA

B:Music is a Birmingham-based music charity with a mission to inspire a love of live music, through performance, participation and learning. Our income comes from a share of ticket sales, commercial activity, corporate support and donations from individuals, trusts and foundations

This policy explains what information we collect, how and why we use it, how it is stored, your rights and how you can contact us regarding your data.

The privacy statement outlines how we process data for our Ticket buyers, online users, members, and donors. We also process data for participants in our Learning and Participation projects, and members of our ensembles.

B:Music promise to use the information we collect about you in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (2018) (GDPR), the Data Protection Act (2018) and the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations (PECR, 2003). We aim to be transparent about when and how we handle your data, and not to do anything you wouldn’t reasonably expect. We will also stop using your data after you cease to engage with us for a reasonable length of time or you ask us to.

Privacy Policy

How do we collect your data?

We may collect personal data from you when you buy a ticket in person, over the phone or via We may collect data when you join or renew a membership with B:Music, ask us to send you information, make a donation, pledge a legacy, attend an event, visit our premises, or participate in a project or group.

Ticket buyers, online users, members and donors

We may collect or store the following information from you when you buy a ticket or other item from us, use our website or social media channels, join a membership scheme, make a donation, attend an event, visit our website or premises, or contact us with an enquiry:

  • Name
  • Postal Address
  • Telephone number(s)
  • Email address
  • Billing / payment information
  • Ticketing, membership and/or donation history
  • Communications preferences
  • Access requirements
  • Allergies and dietary requirements
  • Any other information you provide to us by email, letter, telephone, social media, via our website or in person
  • Photographs and/or video footage of audiences
  • CCTV footage for the security of property and individuals
  • Sensitive Information – This includes health information (if you provide us with this) such as access needs or allergies.
  • Automated technologies or interactions . As you interact with our website, we may automatically collect information about your device and how you use our websites. We collect this personal data by using cookies, server logs and other similar technologies. For more information on cookies, please see our Cookie Policy.

Online information

We keep a record of the communications we send you, and we may track whether you receive or open electronic communications so that we can ensure we are sending you the most relevant information.

We use social media to provide updates on our activities, to promote events and projects or to communicate with you about the activities in which you are involved. We may tailor adverts on social media and elsewhere online relevant to your interests. Depending on your own privacy settings with each social media provider, you can control B:Music’s permission to access information via social media platforms.

Data from third parties

We may also obtain or collect personal information about you from other third party sources, for example:

  • A family member, friend or colleague purchases a gift membership or voucher
  • If we host an event in our of venues for a third party organiser, your details may be shared in order for us to run that event
  • Third parties or publicly available sources . We may receive personal data about you from various third parties and public sources such as information about your device and how you use our website from analytics providers such as Google based outside the EU.
  • Name and contact details, payment information and purchase history from providers of technical, payment and delivery services.

Participants in our Learning and Participation activities and members of our ensembles

We may collect or store the following information from you when you choose to participate in one of our activities, or apply to join one of our ensembles, attend an event, visit our website or premises, or contact us with an enquiry

Name of participant (and parent where required)

  • Postal Address
  • Telephone number(s)
  • Email address
  • Billing / payment information
  • Communications preferences
  • Access requirements
  • Allergies and dietary requirements
  • Any other information you provide to us by email, letter, telephone, social media, via our website or in person
  • Musical experience or career information
  • Photographs and/or video footage of participants
  • CCTV footage for the security of property and individuals
  • Sensitive information - This includes health information (if you provide us with this information) such as access needs or allergies.

Data from third parties

We may also obtain or collect personal information about you from other third party sources, for example:

  • Music teachers and referees may provide information to us about your experience and competence
  • We may ask parents / guardians or schools to supply information about under 18s for participation in our projects or for performance licensing purposes.
  • If we engage external suppliers for photography and video capture
  • If your details are given as an emergency contact for a member of one of our ensembles, or projects
Use of data

B:Music will use your information for the purposes listed below under one of the following legal bases:

  • Performance of a contract between B:Music and yourself
  • Your consent, where required.
  • To comply with a legal obligation
  • Legitimate interest

For Ticket buyers, online users, members and donors, we use your data to:

To inform you of any change to or additional information regarding a booking, visit or membership

Performance of a contract

To send you a gift (such as a book, gift voucher or membership) bought by another person

Performance of a contract

To analyse your personal information to create a profile of your interests and preferences so that we can contact you with information most relevant to you

Legitimate interest

To inform you via email about relevant concerts, events, services or activities we believe will be of interest, as well as opportunities to support our work

*Members and Patrons will, where possible, receive advance notice of on sale emails as a benefit of being part of one of the membership schemes.

Consent/Performance of a contract*

To inform you via post about relevant concerts, events, services or activities we believe will be of interest, as well as opportunities to support our work

Legitimate interest

To process donations and payments, including making Gift Aid claims and thanking donors

Performance of a contract

To assist us with reporting and analysis for our own business needs, and those of our funding partners

Legitimate interest

To promote our work to funders, supporters and the general public via media and social media outlets

Legitimate interest

To profile ticket bookers and donors in order to inform future fundraising approaches

Legitimate interest

To ensure we cater for any specific needs you may have such as dietary or access requirements

To publish lists of our Patrons and donors on our website and in our printed programmes



For participants in our Learning and Participation activities and members of our ensembles we use data to:

To keep you fully informed of all arrangements relating to your involvement with B:Music, including rehearsals and concerts

Performance of contract

To keep you informed of ticket offers for participants when available


To keep a record of the relationship we have with you

Performance of contract

To process payments when required

Performance of a contract

To apply for appropriate licensing for child performers where necessary

Performance of contract/Legal Requirement

To ensure compliance with safeguarding policies, procedures and laws

Legal requirement

To publish lists of participants in our printed programmes


To promote our work to funders, supporters and the general public via media and social media outlets

Legitimate interest

To ensure we cater for any specific needs you may have such as dietary or access requirements

To publish attributed quotes and testimonials on our website, in our printed programmes and in our external marketing

Performance of contract


Contacting you by Post, Email and Telephone

If you do not want to receive information by post about events, offers or our fundraising activities, you have the option to change any of your contact preferences at any time by logging into your B:Music online account or by contacting We will only send you postal marketing if you have interacted with us within the past 3 years.

If you have provided your email address and agreed to us contacting you in this manner, from time to time we will send you recommendations and ticket offers by email for similar events. We may contact you regarding opportunities to support our work, this will include a weekly email giving you advance notice of up-and-coming events, concerts and services. We will only send you marketing emails if you have interacted with us within the past 4 years. Should you wish to unsubscribe from future emails you can click the link at the bottom of each email or amend your contact preferences in your online account at

If you have provided your telephone number when you purchased your ticket via B:Music Box Office or website, we may use this via a call or SMS to inform you of a cancelled or re-arranged performance, to gain your views on our service, or to talk to you about relevant opportunities to support our work as an Arts Charity. Additional consent will be requested before any future fundraising calls. Should you wish not to receive marketing or fundraising calls from us please let us know via


Active Members and Patrons will receive advance on sale notification, information regarding changes to membership or additional information regarding their membership via email and on occasion, by post. This will be completed under the legal basis of performance of a contract.

Further emails about relevant concerts, events, services or activities we believe will be of interest will only be sent to those who have consented to receiving marketing from B:Music.

Package and Group bookers

Customers purchasing ticket packages or Group booking may receive additional benefits of information related to concert package renewals and group bookings information.

Fundraising and profiling

As a charity, B:Music relies on donations from individuals to support its charitable purposes. To do this, we look to identify individuals who, in addition to being purchasers of tickets, may be interested in supporting our charitable objectives through other means, including charitable donations. We also review whether existing donors may wish to provide further financial support.

To enable us to do this in an efficient, effective and focused way, and to ensure the requests we make are appropriate, proportionate and tailored, we may use publicly available information (collected either in-house or by third parties) to identify whether or not you are likely to wish to provide additional donations to B:Music. We do not allow third parties to use the data we provide them about you for other purposes.

The information that we may process includes publicly available information relating to your wealth (including house price values), whether you are a trustee of a charity or have previously donated to similar charities, or raised funds for charitable purposes, in addition to your interest in the arts.

We understand that not all of our audience members or donors will want us to carry out such processing and you are free at any time to ask us to stop doing this in respect of your data. You can do this by contacting . If you do this we will delete the information that we have collected about you for these purposes.

Sharing your data with third parties

The personal information that you give us will only be shared with third parties where we are obliged or permitted by law to disclose it, we need to use the services of ‘data processors’ to fulfil your requirements, to support analysis and research for B:Music or the Arts Sector, for reporting to our funders or in some cases share with our resident orchestra CBSO or associate artist Ex Cathedra.

Your personal data is never sold to any agencies or companies. We will only share data with third party providers on the legal bases as listed below:

Fulfilment of contract
Services such as our ticketing system (Spektrix), our ticket protection partner Ticket Plan, email service, and mailing houses. We have agreements in place with each provider to ensure your data is secure and cannot be accessed or used for any other purpose.

Legitimate business interests
We may make data available to approved suppliers for analysis and research purposes only, for example identifying sales trends, assessing campaign effectiveness, or postcode mapping etc. These assists reporting and planning and with funding commentary.

B:Music, may on occasion ask you to apply for/express interest in participation projects using Jotform. By utilising this you will need to understand and agree to Jotform terms and conditions regarding how they process your data.


If you book an event for our resident orchestra 'City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra' (CBSO) we will share your information with them in order for them to keep you informed about the event you are coming to and to support their analysis and research within the Arts Sector and reporting to funders. You are also given the option to consent to receive further information about their upcoming events and activities during the booking process. You can unsubscribe from their mailing list by contacting them directly. Learn more in CBSO’s Privacy Notice.

Ex Cathedra

If you book an event for our associate artist Ex Cathedra we will share your information with them in order for them to keep you informed about the event you are coming to and to support their analysis and research within the Arts Sector and reporting to funders. You are also given the option to consent to receive further information about their upcoming events and activities during the booking process. You can unsubscribe from their mailing list by contacting them directly. Learn more in Ex Cathedra’s Privacy Notice.

B:Music acting as a ticket agent

For some select events, B:Music will act as an agent selling tickets on behalf of a third party company for an external event.

If you have bought goods fulfilled by third party [such as a wider ticketing agent] we will share with them relevant data in order for them to process and fulfil your order and contact you regarding any updates to the event. B:Music will only share your data for serviceable and practical reasons

Ticket buyers, online users, members and donors

We may share your data with third party organisations as listed below:

  • To use third party processors providing services to the B:Music.
  • With agreement about data management protocols, we may make anonymised data available to other agencies such as The Audience Agency for analysis and research purposes (for instance, comparison sales trends over time and geographical comparisons). This assists with reporting to funders and strategic planning, helping us to make better business decisions.
  • We may take photographic or video recordings and share these with media and social media outlets. We always make clear when photography or recordings are taking place.
  • We publish lists of supporters and donors in our printed programmes but you can request us not to include your information should you wish.
  • We share data with fundraising prospect companies in order to undertake profiling as described above.
  • To maintain the security of property and individuals using CCTV footage
  • To collect and share data with Google to utilise Google reCAPTCHA API for security purposes on our website.

Participants in our Learning and Participation activities and members of our ensembles

We may share your data with third party organisations as listed below:

  • To use third party processors providing services to B:Music
  • We may share your details (including photograph) with a freelance workshop leader, or chaperone (for children’s activities) in order to run the activity effectively or to provide relevant authorities with information required to process performance licenses.
  • We may take photographic or video recordings and share these with media and social media outlets. We always make clear when photography or recordings are taking place.
  • We may take photographic or video recordings of under 18s and share these with media and social media outlets. Photograph and video permissions for participants will be requested from a parent/guardian.
  • We publish lists of participants, supporters and donors in our printed programmes, but you can request us not to include your information should you wish.
  • To maintain the security of property and individuals using CCTV footage
How to update your data

Ticket buyers, online users, members and donors can update personal contact and communication preferences data at any time, by visiting your B:Music account online, by calling the Box Office 0121 7803333 or by contacting us at . Every promotional email we send you will contain an option to unsubscribe, or you can contact us at

Participants in our Learning and Participation activities and members of our ensembles can ask us to update your information, or how you hear from us by contacting or your regular B:Music contact.

Other participants can ask us to update your information, or how you hear from us by contacting B:Music or your regular B:Music contact.

We take steps to ensure that data is accurate, complete, and up to date, and we regularly run checks to review our data. If you wish to correct any inaccuracies in your data, please email or your normal B:Music contact.

Data retention
We will keep personal data for no longer than is strictly necessary, having regard to the original purpose for which the data was processed.

Your Rights

You have rights, including the following

  • To be informed of the ways in which we use your information.
  • To request us to stop processing your personal data for marketing purposes
  • To request that any inaccuracies in the data we hold about you are corrected
  • In certain circumstances to request that we limit, cease processing or erase your personal data.
  • To lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office or through the Fundraising Regulator.

Where you have provided your consent to the collection, processing and transfer of your personal information for a specific purpose, you have the right to withdraw your consent for that specific processing at any time.

How to contact us

Email us:

Write to us: Data Protection, Box Office, Symphony Hall, Centenary Square, Birmingham, B1 2EA

Customer contact preferences can be changed at anytime via your customer account on

Changes to this statement

We may change or update this Privacy Statement from time to time.

Any significant changes will be communicated on our website and/or by contacting you directly.