News Story
Bostin Brass Band brought live music to pupils and staff at Oasis Academy Foundry as part of Town Hall Symphony Hall's long-term project to connect Ladywood residents to music today.
Like Town Hall and Symphony Hall, schools have been shut in England since March because of the COVID-19 outbreak, although some remained open for vulnerable children and the children of key workers.
The Government asked schools to welcome back pupils in early years settings and those in Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 from 1st June. This is in addition to the children of key workers and other eligible children who have continued to attend.
And for those back at Oasis Academy Foundry, they were welcomed back today with a surprise socially distanced pop-up performance.
We’ve all been imagining what the first gig after lockdown will be like and we're excited that it’s finally happening! Our involvement with Town Hall Symphony Hall's Generation Ladywood project, playing pop-up performances in school playgrounds around Ladywood and it's neighbouring wards, has been an annual highlight in our calendar. It's been proved time and time again that the expressive arts, in particular music, is so important in the educational and emotional development of young (and old!) people. We’re thrilled to perform for the students at Oasis Academy Foundry today, and bringing live music back into their school.Aaron Diaz, Bostin Brass
Bostin Brass have played soul-music through the streets of Birmingham for the best part of a decade.
From their beginnings as a marching band in Digbeth, Birmingham, the group has grown wow audiences in school playgrounds, mardi gras parades and international jazz festivals.
Generation Ladywood is Town Hall Symphony Hall's commitment to improving the life chances of children growing up in Ladywood. Working with top-quality partners, we ensure opportunities to learn and make music are prominent throughout Ladywood.
To have been present to witness the sheer joy that live music can bring to the 30 children back at school, their teachers and staff was incredibly special. Talking to the staff at the school, the well-being of everyone at the school is so important for those who are working on site, and this brief moment of song will have had a massive impact that will lift their spirits for the rest of the day, if not the week.Chris Proctor, Head of Programme
Oasis Academy Foundry is an all-inclusive Nursery and Primary School, driven by a powerful ethos which aspires to treat everyone inclusively and recognises the importance of a holistic approach to education. The original school, Foundry Road School, was built in 1883 having been designed by Martin and Chamberlain.
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